Monday, March 18, 2013

           The play so far has been very interesting and entertaining. In Act 1 of a Dollhouse we learned that Nora and her husband, Torvald, have a rather odd relationship. Torvald looks down on Nora and treats her like a child. With phrases like,"Has my little feather brain been out wasting money again?" If you ask me, most most husbands don't call their wives "feather brain." On the other hand. Nora seems to enjoy spending Torvald's money frivolously and has no problem lying to husband. If I were Nora, I would come clean and tell Torvald my secret. I mean, it was to save his life I think he'll understand. Maybe together they'll find a way to pay back all the money and wont have to deal with Krogstad, who is blackmailing Nora.
          Honesty is the the best policy. If Nora just shows Torvald how vehemently sorry she is for lying and keeping such a secret from him, he might be forgiving. This way she won't have to stay away from the children or won't corrupt them in any way. I believe the children shouldn't suffer for their parents actions. On a different matter, what's up with Mrs. Linde and Krogstad? They have some sort of secret too? I guess we will just have to wait and find out. Can't wait to read more and find out all their juicy secret. Don't you?


  1. I agree that Nora should come clean. Torvald and her could resolve their problems, and everything would turn out fine.

  2. I agree with you I absolutely hate the way Torvald treats Nora. She should leave him already or something. I also agree she should come clean.

  3. I commented on Omar's, Leah's, Carlos' and Jordan's.
